Wednesday 31 March 2010

keep your face out of my office!

Another thing here, that is weird, is that Mongolians seem to love opening doors and looking in.  I sit in the office, working, or having my 11 O'clock snack, or whatever, and every few minutes, someone opens the door, looks in, and then closes the door again.  At first I found it a little unsettling, it is constant, I mean literally every to minutes, the door opens, a random pokes their head in and stares for a few moments, then shuts door again.  I just ignore them now.


  1. I think it is a tribal thing. Everyone has a responsibility to check out the "stranger" ???

  2. nope, it is just a mongolian thing, they are a curious bunch, they like to see what is behind doors. I spoke to my interpreter about it.
